Friday, April 13, 2012

Manualidades y Más

The angels climbing Jacob's ladder
Hola from El Callejon!  We pray each of you had a great Easter!  Here’s a bit of what’s been happening this week at the Site:

One of the things we’ve tried to do is have manualidades (crafts) which help our groups remember the lessons.  This week was no exception.  We read Jacob’s dream to our Little Girls (from a colorful Spanish Children’s Bible given by some of our wonderful outreach participants!) and to compliment the story they made ladders with angels.  

It’s amazing how creative one can get when there aren’t easily found supplies!  The angels were makeup applicators that have been in the Site for a few years, and foam circles cut in two.  The ladder, popsicle sticks.
Our Treces hard at work
With our Treces (thirteen year olds) we wanted them to have a place to post their memory verses, so after talking about Jacob and his perseverance in working for seven years (plus another seven!) for Rachel, the girls made cute holders out of foam pieces with foam letters and stickers (we’ve got lots of foam… and everyone loves it!)
The Pre-teens show off their manualidades
We talked with our Pre-teens (11-12 year olds) about Semana Santa (Holy Week), how we celebrate it, as well as what happened during the ‘first’ Semana Santa.  The girls decorated foam crosses (told you we love it!) with their names to help remember that Jesus died for them, as well as a sticker with Juan 3:16 on it.
Earlier in the week we tried to help the Women and also our Teens understand a little bit more about what happened on the cross.  We wanted them to realize that while the physical pain was terrible, it was the separation from His Father that made what Jesus suffered so horrible. 
“My God, My God, why have You forsaken me?”  Jesus was with the Father and the Spirit ‘por siempre’ (forever) and now, the Father turned from Him.  And why?  Because on Jesus was all of our sin.  God hates sin, and so, by becoming our sin, He took on all that our Holy God cannot abide. 
Jesus did this for His Father’s glory, and so that we will never, ever have to be separated from Him, if we only accept His gift.  It’s almost beyond our human comprehension!
With our Young Women we talked about Mary and Martha, and making time with Jesus each day a priority.  Several had excuses (not so unlike many of us!) for not reading their Bibles or praying.  There are many pulls on these women, but we truly believe that when we make our first priority spending time with God, the other things will fall in place (or stop seeming so urgent!). 
We’re continuing to pray about our schedule, and how we might make changes, especially with the new Site’s larger space (check out a few new photos under New Site!). 
While we want to have more activities to reach more of El Callejon, we also want to keep our primary focus on teaching the Word of God to those who come.  At times, it may seem naïve, but we truly believe that without the hope of Christ, nothing we do is going to truly make a difference. 
The Gospel can transform lives.  In the Holy Spirit’s power, people living in darkness can see the Light.  How to do this in practical and effective ways continues to keep us on our knees, seeking the wisdom of our all-powerful, all-loving God. 
We invite you to join us in prayer.  For the people of El Callejon, for those who have come down on outreaches, for us. 
Holy Father, may Your kingdom come, may Your will be done, in El Callejon, and throughout the earth, as it is in Heaven.

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