Saturday, March 2, 2013

Pan Pics

Here are just a few pictures of the women's pan (bread) practice this past week.  Unfortunately, we don't have pictures of the finished product.  (We had some more 'oven issues' so the women brought the dough home to bake.) 

Some of the women told us their bread turned out delicious, others were impatient and didn't let it rise long enough, and their bread was like 'rocks'.  What a great lesson for us all!  When we try and rush ahead, instead of listening to God's directions, and waiting for His perfect timing, how often do we wind up with 'rock bread' instead of the deliciousness He desires for us?!

We'll continue meeting with them, ironing out details, and seeking the Holy Spirit's guidance at each step.  Thank you for praying with us!

Joemny measures ingredients while Carmen makes the flour 'volcano'.

Mixing the dry and wet ingredients.

Luz takes a turn at kneading the dough
while others look on, take notes and offer advice.

Rolling out the bread. 
In the DR people seem to prefer small individual sized rolls instead of
the loaf bread most Americans use for sandwiches.

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