Saturday, December 3, 2011

A Game Called Cupcakes

Friday afternoon we had our final Christmas party with our Little Girls and two Pre-Adolescent groups.  The ages ranged from 6 up to 13, which was a bit of a challenge!  Several of them wore pretty dresses or other party clothes.  When everyone was there, we had more than 30 girls!

Sharks & Minnows
Caroline greeted the girls and asked them why we were having a party.  Jesus’ birth!  Yes!  She prayed for our time together and turned it over to Chelsea and Taryn.  They had the girls play Sharks and Minnows on our grassy yard out back.  Some of the older ones were a bit too ‘cool’ to play, but everyone who did seemed to have a great time.
They also played another game which was a lot of dancing around and being silly.  What a joy to watch these young daughters of our King laughing and enjoying being together at the Site!
Enjoying sunshine and laughter.

Chelsea, Taryn and Kimberley had baked cupcakes at the Base for the party.  We told the girls we had ‘Cupcakes’.  What do you think cupcakes are?  Un juego?  No, not a game.  I know, I know, Biscocho.  You’re right!  It’s cake!! 
At first the girls weren’t quite sure what to do with the paper liner, but once they figured it out, they seemed to really enjoy the chocolately goodness!
Caroline took time to let the girls she was leaving to go back to the U.S.  That was the third time in three days she had to do so!  In the three years she has worked at the Site, these little ones have really grown up.  They love her, and she loves them right back.  We know Caroline will continue to pray for these precious girls as they continue growing into young women.

Singing together... well, almost all-together!
The party ended with the girls singing a few songs, playing another game, and receiving their gifts.  As they left they gave Caroline (and the rest of us!) hugs goodbye.  Is there anything better than hugs from sweet girls?
Cleaning up from the week of parties felt good.  We were all a bit tired, but thankful for time to celebrate Jesus, the reason for all we do at the Site; to remember the past year; and to share a bit of Christmas joy and love with the women, teens and girls of El Callejon.
Next week we are praying we have a different kind of a party… celebrating the Marriage of at least one, and possibly three El Callejon couples.  Please pray that the Holy Spirit works in the hearts of these couples as they prepare to be legally married.

P.S.  Please jump over to our New Site page and take a look at the SI Construction Team's progress!

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